Sunday, October 30, 2011

What does November have in store for you?

Today's entry is an effort to provide reader's with a little change to their frame of mind.

As Massachusetts pushed through it's first winter storm this weekend, my mind began to focus on the winter season ahead. I think the whole world knows that I love Christmas, but the holiday that I have a lot more trouble with is New Year's. I don't dislike the idea of fresh new beginnings or setting new resolutions for ourselves. In fact, I find both of those things very important.

My question is this : Why wait till January 1st? Why not set a goal for yourself for the month of November?

November is only 30 days. I am sure if you made a New Month's resolution you are more likely to be successful than a New Year's resolution.

My November Resolution is to run 240 miles for the month of November.

So as the weekend comes to a close I challenge you to not only think of the week ahead, but of the month ahead and ask yourself and others "What does November have in store for you".

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Two Claps

I would like to give some Shout Outs to some amazing things that I support.

1. To the City on a Hill Cross Country Team that ran freaking amazing at their league championship. Two Claps!

2. To Foundation Running Camp. Two Claps.
and here is their website.

3. To anyone that has set out to do something that they knew was going to be difficult from the start, but realized that what they were going to be doing was important. Two claps.

Set a Big Goal for yourself for something incredible that you want to do 6 months from now. Write it down and show it to someone in the next 24 hours. Then chase down that big goal.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Set the Week on Fire!

Be an inspiration to the people that you surround yourself with this week.

Be exceptional in as many ways that you can think of and encourage people to join you in that task.

Here are some steps for getting started.

1. Wake up and drink a glass of water.
2. Do 5 push ups to get the blood flowing.
3. Compliment someone during the 1st hour you are awake.
4. Read one of my old blog entries.
5. Eat something healthy
6. Set up a time to go for a run with friend.

I hope everyone has a great week!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Spread the Joy of Being Awesome!

I was pumped up to hear from a few friends today about some of the 4 things that they have accomplished.

One of my friends is drinking his water when he wakes up.

Another friend is drinking her water, but suggests that you add some lemon to the water to start the day off on an even better note.

Another one of my friends made a salad with veggies and chicken. He also walked to the gym in the rain.

Hearing little things like this get me pumped up!

I ran in the rain today and it was crazy fun! I also played the game Ninja and that was crazy fun too!

Have you done something today to get someone pumped up about something?

If so, then post a comment to this blog post with what you did. Spread the joy of being awesome!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Find Reasons. Not Excuses.

The weather forecast for Boston for tomorrow is 62 degrees with heavy rain.

As I was preparing my running bag to bring to school for tomorrow, I prepared accordingly. I started to think about the athletes that I coached and some of the struggles I would have with keeping these athlete motivated to do what they need to do when the weather was clearly going to be the reason athletes were going to make excuses about what they were capable of doing.

If you are looking to choose a day to start running, re-start your running, or to get yourself extra fired up about the running that your are doing then I would suggest using a day like tomorrow to give you that extra boost. Here is why:

We so often search for excuses as to why we can't do something "It's raining" is one of the simple ones and there are a multitude of other excuses of why we can't do something. Once we open the door to excuses they tend to creep into our lives much faster than we would expect. So I say that we shut the door on excuses and we find reasons to do the things that are important to us.
I ran today for 35 minutes with my XC team. It was great to check in with a lot of my athletes and see how they were feeling a week before our league championship.

I ran another 35 minutes this evening with a friend. It was a great chance to catch up with a friend while doing something we both enjoyed.

Tomorrow is going to rain. I'm going to run in the rain and make a big splash through a puddle like I used to do when I was a kid because that is super fun.

Excuses are everywhere, but so are Reasons!

Monday, October 17, 2011

4 suggestions for the next 24 hours

Here is a list of 4 things that you can do that will make the next 24 hours of your life better than if you didn't do these things.

1. Listen to "Highway to the Danger Zone". For Bonus Points: while listening to this song complete as many sets of 1o push ups and then 20 crunches as you possibly can. For Even More Bonus Points do all of this with Aviators sunglasses on.

2. Drink a glass of water as soon as you wake up in the morning. I tried it this morning and I think it helped start me off to a fantastic day.

3. Tell someone about something healthy that you want to do this week.

4. Listen to "All I want for Christmas is You" by Mariah Carey. For Bonus Points: Invite at least 1 other person to listen to it with you ( It is a great song and it is not too early to listen to it).

Try adding any or all of these things into the next 24 hours of your life.


Sunday, October 16, 2011

Back in the High Life Again!

In life, we often know that something is good for us, but we end up for some reason avoiding that thing.

This post is an effort to bring back a good thing in my life. It is an opportunity to remind myself of the things that are important to me.

My hope is that by reading the post you have the opportunity to remind yourself what is important to you.

I get very inspired when I think of my blog and I think of all the things that have helped contribute to it.

The friends that I made because of this sport that I love
The co-workers who ran their 1st half-marathons
The places that I have seen because of this sport

These are just some of the flashbacks in my mind when I think back to the reason why I began writing this blog in the 1st place.

Yesterday, I ran about 5 miles with the Cross Country team that I coach and then I went on a 9 mile walk.

I ran about 10 miles this morning.

This weekend was a reminder to me that we ought to push ourselves consistently to do amazing things.

We should challenge ourselves to be amazing and ask others to join us in the adventure.

Thank you to everyone that has inspired me along the way and to those that encouraged me to get back on the blogging wagon.

Give Someone a High Five Right Now!