Monday, February 9, 2015

Gear Up

It is a familiar story that is often told in slightly different way: Sisyphus rolls the ball to the top of the hill, to then be forced to repeat the process, Bill Murray's character in the movie Groundhog Day wakes up each day to the sound of Sonny and Cher's, "I got you babe" and is forced to relieve the day over and over again, or my currently reality that Boston is hit with another major snow storm crushing the transportation system as well as the soul of cities many delightful citizens.

As a result of the major amount of snow, a few things have been happening for me the last two weeks. First, I have a lot of people saying things to me when I am running like: "That takes dedication" or "You're crazy".  Both of which are kind of fun to hear.  I also have been forced into many flying leaps while running as I reach a street corner and there is a giant ice puddle. This has led me to an additional realization that my leaps are somewhere in between a swift cheetah pouncing on its prey and a ballerina that was scared mid-leap by a little mouse.

Also, I have taken the time to supplement my snow running with spin classes at The Handle Bar, which is rising the charts as one of my favorite places in Boston. It is basically a bad ass workout dance party which is also a nice supplement to the solo dance parties I have in the mirror most most mornings before work.  During class, the instructors push everyone to "gear up". I couldn't imagine a better phrase or idea. Take a moment to focus on becoming a better version of yourself.  It is never easy, but it is always worth it.

It is also seems that I have been shoveling out my car for about 2 weeks straight which seems like it could be the most difficult aspect to accept of this winter, but then I remind myself of the purpose of shoveling out my car. I shovel my car so that I can get to work and teach students algebra and how to be awesome. Shoveling a car is a bit easier with that lens. I encourage everyone to choose using the  the positive lens.

Knowing that more snow may be approaching for the upcoming weekend, my thoughts are drawn back to an inspiring college professor and the lesson that Nietzsche would want us to take away from Sisyphus. We have to imagine Sisyphus happy.

 Imagine yourself happy!