Thursday, January 19, 2012

It isn’t always about the running!

I looked around and I realized that I was surrounded by a pretty amazing group of people.

I was in the process of cooking a fairly epic meal. It would be my last meal in my 20’s and I wanted it to be something noteworthy. I was attempting three of my favorites (tortellini alla vodka, eggplant risotto, and penne carbonara).

I didn’t realize in that moment that I would be spending the last two hours of my 20’s engaged in two very different (but both very exciting) activities. The 1st was a solo dishwashing dance party. The second was sitting in front of bright 14 inch screen as my fingers moved swiftly across the keys.

I would like to share some excellent realizations that I had during this evening.

  1. Ace of Base is probably the best music to listen to while having a solo dance party.

  1. I was incredibly happy with the life that I lived thus far. The 20’s were a particularly amazing period of time.

  1. It isn’t always about the running. As I looked around at the amazing people that I was with who were sharing great stories, food, and laughter together my mind began to think of all the great friends that I have made along the way and the incredibly family that I was fortunate enough to grow up with and be a part of. Running is such an amazing part of my life and I never take it for granted, but it is incredible to know that if I run a 4:34 for the mile instead of a 4:32 that none of these people are going to think less of me in anyway.
  1. We can never necessarily predict the direction that life will take us, but the more often we practice being the best version of ourselves the easier it is to smile back at the road that we travel on and help others smile as our paths cross along the way.
  1. Chumbawamba is also pretty amazing for solo dance parties.

I hope that whatever circumstance that has led you to reading this blog entry makes you think about where you are in this very moment and all the things, people, and events that have led you to where you are. I hope that in reflecting on all those things you have a great big smile. I hope that you take the time to say something kind to someone who has made you a better you along the way.

Thank you to everyone that shared my last meal of my 20’s with me and anyone that I have ever shared a meal, drink, smile, or a laugh with!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Stay Current

I realized how absurd I must look: a sweaty white guy sitting alone in his car in an empty school parking lot in Roxbury eating room temperature mac and cheese mixed with chili.

My mind flashed to the thought of how important it was to live in a way where you Stay Current.

I think that we live in a culture where we can expect to fall behind and easily catch back up. I came to this realization when I went to watch a tv show On-Demand and it was not available (It wasn’t available because I recently took the exciting step to downgrading to basic tv). I realized that I no longer had the safety net of On- Demand and that the only way for me to know what was going on with Parks and Rec or the Real House Wives of Beverly Hills that I would need to Stay Current.

I realized that I probably wouldn’t be able to Stay Current on these shows ( particularly because I wouldn’t even have access to any fantastic Bravo programming), but then I realized that I was excited about this prospect and how I might be able to challenge myself and others to Stay Current on being the best version of ourselves.

Back to my mac and cheese/chili.

I had just finished an easy 12 mile run after school and my body was craving the immediate intake of protein and carbs. I was really excited that I had the opportunity to satisfy this need with my delicious blend of carbs and protein. I was happy that could Stay Current on some of the needs that would aid my recovery from this run ( I surely could have driven home and wait 25 minutes before eating, but I think having the immediate intake of the mac, cheese, and chili was much more beneficial).

So I challenge people to think of how they can Stay Current on things that will make their life better in a few small ways

- Stay Current ( on your health) and do a set of sit up and push-ups after reading this line. And maybe drink an extra glass of water

- -Stay Current ( on being positive) and tell someone how they impressed you in some way today.

- Stay Current ( on your relationships) and call someone you haven’t spoken to in a while that lives far away

Feel free to add any additional ways to Stay Current on being better versions of ourselves.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Resolve Constantly

If there was one action that I could encourage people to take in 2012, it would be to Resolve Constantly!

I looked at my last blog post and was a little bit upset that my last post was on November 27th. I was three days and 29 miles from hitting my November Goal of 240 miles for the month. It was ambitious and I am sure that people may have wondered if I hit my goal. Did his resolve wane? Is that why he hasn’t blogged in so long?

I am very happy to report that since my last entry, my resolve has grown even stronger and I am back on a familiar path of pushing myself and others to be the best versions of themselves.

I resolved three things for December and I achieved all of these resolutions.

- I ran with 25 different people for the month

- I ran a sub 4:40 mile.

- I ran 255 miles for the month.

I am resolving for a January filled with:

- 265 miles

- Only 3 days of pizza eating

- a Sub 4:33 mile.

As we make our way into the New Year, I would hope that people take time out of each month, week, and day to resolve something.

Resolve constantly, and push yourself to be a much better version of yourself.

Resolve constantly, and share your mini-resolutions with the people around you so that they can hold you accountable for being that better version of yourself.

Resolve constantly, and encourage others to resolve constantly to make themselves better version of themselves.

Everyone deserves to be a better version of themselves today than they were yesterday. Everyone deserves to be a better version of yourself tomorrow than you are today.

This does not happen by chance.

Resolve Constantly and Constantly Create a Better Version of Yourself!