Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Resolve Constantly

If there was one action that I could encourage people to take in 2012, it would be to Resolve Constantly!

I looked at my last blog post and was a little bit upset that my last post was on November 27th. I was three days and 29 miles from hitting my November Goal of 240 miles for the month. It was ambitious and I am sure that people may have wondered if I hit my goal. Did his resolve wane? Is that why he hasn’t blogged in so long?

I am very happy to report that since my last entry, my resolve has grown even stronger and I am back on a familiar path of pushing myself and others to be the best versions of themselves.

I resolved three things for December and I achieved all of these resolutions.

- I ran with 25 different people for the month

- I ran a sub 4:40 mile.

- I ran 255 miles for the month.

I am resolving for a January filled with:

- 265 miles

- Only 3 days of pizza eating

- a Sub 4:33 mile.

As we make our way into the New Year, I would hope that people take time out of each month, week, and day to resolve something.

Resolve constantly, and push yourself to be a much better version of yourself.

Resolve constantly, and share your mini-resolutions with the people around you so that they can hold you accountable for being that better version of yourself.

Resolve constantly, and encourage others to resolve constantly to make themselves better version of themselves.

Everyone deserves to be a better version of themselves today than they were yesterday. Everyone deserves to be a better version of yourself tomorrow than you are today.

This does not happen by chance.

Resolve Constantly and Constantly Create a Better Version of Yourself!

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