Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Connection

There is without a doubt in my mind a connection between any individual and their mental, physical, and emotional well being. This blog was dedicated to my pursuit of testing the limits and the capabilities of each of these.

I am writing today from my bed, in the early afternoon, after the best possible sick day. I emailed in to work last night realizing that it would not be in my best interest to be at work today. I had one of my worst mental and emotional days at work. There was no particular instance that made the day terrible, but it seemed that I was on the edge of a mental and physical collapse (I had woken up the night before in the middle of the night and only slept about 3 hours). After work yesterday, I collapsed onto my bed for about 3 hours. I awoke and somehow choose yes. I jogged over to the local gym, where I had just purchased an extremely discounted membership. I pushed through a 7 mile run, leaving the stress of the day on the treadmill. I realized that my physical, mental, and emotional beings were all in need of a serious recovery day.

An amazing night of sleep, the Price is Right, Turkey Soup, a light jog, and a solo dance party to Flo-rida have helped reconnect the important connection between my mind, body, and soul.

I am looking forward to the weekend ahead where I am entirely prepared to focus on resetting all the connections within myself so that I can I be strong in mind, body, and soul.

During this Christmas season where we often focus on what gifts we need to get for others, please don't forget to give the gift of mental, physical, and emotional health to yourself.


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