Monday, December 6, 2010

The ups and the downs

A weekend off of blog posts seemed liked the required medicine to help me regain my mental composure before letting fingers let loose on the keyboard.

I'll start with the down.
My comeback race of the season was not a fine showing. It was so "not fine" that I still don't feel comfortable talking or writing much about it.

After the race, I was ready to let the bad performance drag me into a sea of self-pity, but somehow the logical side of my brain stepped it. The running that I was doing was not only supposed to be a journey of the physical, but a mental and spiritual journey as well.

The work that I was doing clearly hadn't kicked in with any major physical effect that would make me happy, but I was running again in the way that I enjoyed running. Running should be a positive outlet and I was going to let a bad race bring me down.

My mind got excited about the "2nd Thanksgiving Party" that I would be attending. The party was success. There was turkey and an impromptu dance party. It was all I could ask for.

The night was quite an up, and I woke up in the morning worried that my run would suffer from all the food and dancing. I ended up having a great run with Kirkland and CT. We did 1:27 for somewhere between 12-13 miles in my estimation. This was my best long run of the new cycle and promising for long runs to come.

A solid 6 miler today in the very cold weather and a serious core workout ( I didn't keep track of my exact numbers) has me excited for the workout tomorrow.

I called USATF NE today and they said they have my paper work. The Bay State Test is a reality.

Remind yourself to be the best version of yourself.

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