Monday, December 13, 2010

Inner Power

I began a book yesterday before I went to bed. "Zen and the Art of Running" seemed to fall off the bookshelf of the Booksmith into my hands as if there was a lesson that I needed to learn. I began reading last night and it helped remind me of a lesson that I have learned from miles upon miles of running. In each of us there is an inner power, an amazing potential to be incredible. It is our responsibility to unlock that power. While we are doing all of this we should always remember to be present in every particular moment of our existence.

The winter track season started for the high school that I coach. We ran today on a 142.25 yard banked indoor track. As I strode along with my runners, the familiar sensation of enjoying every stride came into my mind and heart as we whipped around the tight turns. At the end of practice I added on an additional three miles that seemed completely effortless.

If I could provide a piece of advice to anyone that is searching to bring their running to a new level, I would suggest starting each run at a very relaxed pace. Every stride you take should be a stride that you use to help you find power and relaxation. If you learn to search for this potential in yourself in every run, you will unlock that power.

Give it a try!

Have a great day!

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